The Electronic Delivery of Documents

At the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan the service of the electronic delivery of documents is provided.

Applications are accepted in the Department of Subscriptions (Library Loan Department).

The order, conditions and terms of ordering
  1. NLRT provides electronic delivery of copies of primary sources (from magazines, collections and fragments of books) from the library to individuals and collective users of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, the countries of the CIS, Baltic and foreign states.
  2. Orders are accepted by .
  3. The customer accepts orders using the established form: bibliographic description of the document with the name of the author, the title, the target data (for periodicals - year, volume, number, the title of clause, page) and the format for the required electronic copy. The order considers each required source.
  4. After reception of the order and overlooking the necessary sources in the databases of the NLRT, the opportunity for making an electronic copy of each document is provided.
  5. The customer is informed of the opportunity and cost of the performance of the order.
  6. The customer transfers into the account of the NLRТ the required sum.
  7. Customers who wish to use this service repeatedly, can open an account with the NLRT for the advance sum of not less than 300 rubles. The payment should be specified: " Service on EDD."
    After payment it is necessary to send the letter by e-mailwith the following data:
    • Number and date of the payment;
    • Bank name;
    • First name, middle initial, and last name of the customer;
    • The sum of the payment.
  8. Individual and collective customers of Kazan can pre-pay the cost of the given service in the cash department of the NLRT.
  9.  After reception of a copy of payment or a cash voucher the order is carried out and sent to the customer.
  10. Reception of the order takes 2-4 days, if urgent 1-2 days, after payment.

Receipt Upon Payment

Our Contact Information:

Postal Address: 420015 Tatarstan, Kazan, Pushkin Street, 86. Department of Subscriptions.

Bank Information:

МФ РТ (Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Республики Татарстан «Национальная библиотека Республики Татарстан», Лицевой счет № ЛБГ-00705004-НацБибл)

БИК      019205400          ОКТМО  92701000

ИНН     1655009447           КПП       165501001

ОКПО   02189875              ОКОНХ  93110

ОГРН   1021602854833     ОКВЭД   91.01

расчетный счет 03224643920000001100

к/сч 40102810445370000079

Отделение – НБ Республика Татарстан Банка России // УФК по Республике Татарстан г. Казань

КБК 70530201020020000131

Назначение платежа: за библиотечные услуги




Last updated: 25 January 2023, 17:04

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