The Center for Information about Culture and Art is a division of the Information-Bibliographic Department of the National Library of the RT. It operates on the basis of clauses 37 and 39 of the Laws of the Russian Federation, “Legislation of the Russian Federation about Culture,” and Regulations concerning Russinformculture. It operates under the management of the research center, Informculture (the research center for the study of culture and art of the Russian State Library of the Russian Federation). Those who find the center helpful include: experts of administrative structures of culture and arts from all branches of authority, experts in the field of culture and arts (library, social-leisure, cultural studies, and education), creative art workers and those who work in media arts.
The center is engaged in the supply of information for the activity of the state focusing on the structures and subjects of culture and art, including information services for art workers. Patrons can remotely access the site of the Center of Information about Culture and Art, which includes databanks about culture, information resources about culture and art, the directory database, Culture, and other information banks, including electronic resources about culture and art.
The Assistance-Bibliographic device:
- Electronic Catalogue of the NLRT (since 1994);
- The electronic catalogue of magazines of the department;
- Text-through legal databases;
- A database for the research center Informcultura;
- Thematic databases;
- The text-through database, Culture;
- A card file of scripts;
- Internet.
- Assistance-bibliographic editions about culture and art;
- Collection of unpublished materials about culture and art;
- Editions of the research center, Informcultura;
- Electronic materials on CD ROM pertaining to subjects of the center.
- Thematic selection of literature;
- Formation of thematic databases;
- Xerox-copying of information resources, including scripts;
- Reviews of literature and Xeroxed materials;
- Organization of exhibitions for viewing literature, including exit exhibitions.
Department Manager:
Galina Fedorovna Kochkarina
Main Librarians: Ferdaus Mullanurovna Gizzatullina
Damira Rashitovna Fakhrutdinova
Operating Hours
September through May: Open daily 9:00 to 20:00,
Saturday & Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00,
and closed Friday.
June through August:
Open daily 9:00 to 18:00,
closed Saturday & Sunday.
Vacation the last Wednesday of each month.
Last updated: 14 December 2021, 14:14
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