The Center for Legal Information

Together with the Center for Government Communication of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan (Federal Agency for Government Communication and Information) in the National Library, the Center for Legal Information was opened on June, 4, 1999 . In 2004 by order of the Cabinet of the RT (from July, 9, 2004, # 981-р, CLI NLRT) it was renamed the "Republican Public Center of Legal Information".

The objective of the center is to bring legal education to citizens of the republic and to help with the search for legal information and official documents. The center helps simplify the search through legal electronic databases for necessary documents of various bodies of the government of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan and other states, and betters the efficiency of their completion.

Legal databases
The information retrieval system provides:
  • Choice of normative legal certificates according to your search;
  • Viewing of the chosen certificates on a computer monitor;
  • Paper copies.
The on-duty adviser of the center provides qualified help with the search of the necessary information and provides training for the skills necessary to work with the given DB.

Access to legal resources on the internet and help with searching on the internet concerning any subject is provided to users of the center.

Last updated: 21 January 2025, 14:22

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