Galiasgar Kamal: The Bio-Bibliographic Directory

2009 is the 130th anniversary of the birthday of Galiasgar Kamal. Kamal was a Tatar writer, publicist and public figure. He was one of the founders of national journalism and organizers of The Tatar Professional Theatre. Kamal translated into the Tatar language many Russian works of prose and foreign dramatic works such as, “Marriage and Auditor,” by N.V. Gogol, A.N. Ostkrovski's, “Thunderstorm,” and “Avaricious,” and “The Doctor Necessarily,” by Z.B. Moliere, and “The Indian,” by G. Hamid. As an artist, he brought a significant contribution to the development of publishing to Tatarstan. He created new Tatar fonts for Kazan’s typographer I.N. Haritonov and the first theatrical posters. Kamal died on June 16, 1933. He is buried in a communal grave in the Central Park of Culture named after Maxim Gorky.


Biography of Galiasgar Kamal

Articles about G. Kamal's Life and Creativity (in Russian):

Articles about G.Kamal's Works (in Russian):


Works of G. Kamal (in Russian):

Scripts Devoted to G.Kamal (in Tatar)

Bibliography (in Russian):

Last updated: 8 February 2024, 13:49

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