The Department of International Book-Exchange of the Republic of Tatarstan has been in operation since 1993. It's collection includes more than 30,000 documents, issued in Tatarstan, in Tatar and Russian languages.

The primary goals of the department are:
  • Updating the collection of the department with editions from publishing houses of the republic on the basis of most current acquisition. Rendering assistance in the acquisition & loan of Tatar and regional items to and from libraries and other establishments of Tatar populated regions of Russia, the CIS and foreign countries, with mutually advantageous conditions;
  • Access to the collections of libraries of regions of Russia on the basis of contractual agreements;
  • Access to collections of libraries and other establishments of the countries of the CIS for an equivalent book-exchange;
  • Partnering with libraries of foreign countries on the basis of an equivalent book-exchange;
  • Reception of literature for libraries which serve the people of Tatarstan who speak minority languages (Chuvash, Mari, Bashkir, Mordovian, Udmurt, etc), with the basis of an equivalent book-exchange and contractual agreements;
  • Cooperation with representatives of Tatarstan, public-cultural organizations, and national cultural autonomies of Russia and the CIS, on the basis of contractual agreements;
  • Maintenance of regular information about the libraries and partners of the book-exchange and about editions currently in the exchange collection at the NLRT.
We are happy to hear any offers for other variants of cooperation.
The National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, being a unique library which deals with the acquisition, collection, storage and distribution of Tatar and regional literature, invites libraries and other establishments, organizations and societies, scientists and experts, to help us with finding and collecting a repertoire of books, magazines, and articles issued in your regions and countries. We are interested in literature issued in the languages of the people of Russia, the CIS and foreign countries. Chronological frameworks are unlimited.

Subjects of interest include:
  • History, culture, the literature of Tatar people;
  • Policy, economics;
  • Fiction, translations of Tatar writers, poets of all languages and nations of the world.
We shall be very grateful if our offer of cooperation finds a response in your heart.

The National Library of the RT brings to your attention lists of information pertaining to literature on universal subjects.

Book - exchange
Gilyazieva Lyaisan Nurullovna
Gilyazieva Lyaisan Nurullovna
Department Manager
Contact information
Address: 420111, Kazan, Karl Marx Street, Bldg. 36

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