Karim Tinchurin. The bio-bibliographic directory

Karim Tinchurin
2007 is the 120th anniversary of the birthday of the playwright, director and actor, Karim Tinchurin. Tatar theatrical art cannot be spoken of without mention of the name, Karim Tinchurin. His involvement in the development of Tatar theatre, especially during the Soviet period, is surprisingly fruitful. In the 1920's and 1930's, Karim Tinchurin created his best dramatic works: "The Blue Shawl," the drama "Native Land," and the comedy "Without Sails." All of these were met with tremendous success. They were all written with brilliant skill and wisdom concerning life.

Karim Tinchurin was one of the best directors of Tatar theatre. He was a teacher for many Tatar actors. He was also, for several years, a director for the Tatar Theatre. Under the bio-bibliographic electronic directory heading of, "Karim Tinchurin," many biographic materials and memoirs about Tinchurin's life and creativity can be found. Here are a number of materials devoted to Tinchurin's verses and scripts. There is also a photo-archive with photographic materials about his life and creativity. A section called, "Karim Tinchurin in the Arts," includes bibliographic descriptions of materials. Tinchurin's writings, and articles and information about Karim Tinchurin can also be found on the internet.


Biography of Karim Tinchurin

Memoirs About KarimTinchurin (in Russian) 

Excerpts About the Life and Creativity of Karim Tinchurin (in Russian)

Photo archive

Karim Tinchurin in the Arts

Works by Karim Tinchurin (in Russian)

Verses Devoted to Karim Tinchurin (in Russian)

Screenplays Devoted to Karim Tinchurin (in Russian)


Last updated: 15 September 2022, 10:02

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