September, 26th - European Day of Languages

29 September 2009, Tuesday
On the threshold of European Day of Languages on the basis of the school № 165 there has passed conference «European languages: a place, a role, teaching modern lines in educational space of Kazan» which heads were Sadykova A.G., the director of institute of foreign languages of the Tatar State University of Humanities and Education and the Doctor of Philology, and Shamsutdinov A.I., the headmaster of the school №165 of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan. The conference program included performances of methodologists, teachers and representatives of the English, German, French and Spanish languages centers. Employees of the department of the literature on foreign languages of the National library of the Republic of Tatarstan Zaljalova L.R., the manager of the American Centre, and Pitchugina G. V, the curator of the German reading room, have taken part in work of conference and have introduced the presentation «The Department of the literature on foreign languages of the National library of the Republic of Tatarstan – the centre of the methodical information».The given presentation has helped not only to open all variety of the methodical literature presented in funds of the National library of the Republic of Tatarstan, but also has recommended the department of literature on foreign languages as a place for carrying out of methodical seminars.

More than 100 teachers of foreign languages of Kazan have taken part in conference, and after its termination the offer to assign the conference the annual status has been stated.

European Day of Languages, celebrated on September, 26th, has been proclaimed by the Council of Europe (and supported by the European Union) during the European year of languages on December, 6th, 2001. Main aims of European Day of Languages are:
  • To attract attention to a problem of studying languages for the purpose of increasing the level of cultural and interlingual mutual understanding;
  • Demonstration of riches of a language and cultural variety of Europe;
  • Encouragement of studying and development of various languages both at schools, and out of them throughout all human life.
It is remarkable that the most widespread language of Europe (on number of carriers as native) is Russian both geographically, and territorially. 150 million Europeans consider Russian as native. Further with the big separation follows: German language is about 95 million, the French language - 66 million, English language - 63 million, the Italian language — 60 million, the Spanish, Polish and Ukrainian languages (about 40 million Europeans considers them as native).
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