Personality and culture on the brink of the millenniums

3 June 2016, Friday

From June, 1 to June, 30 2016 the Department of Arts of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan (ul. Teatralnaya, d. 5) presents an exhibition "Personality and culture on the brink of the millenniums" devoted to a role of personality in the history of world culture.

The exhibited books and multimedia publications are telling about the development of world culture and the people who were creating the history. The exhibition consists of 3 sections. Section "Man and Culture" reveals the concepts "culture", "art" and shows the role of a man in the development of world civilization.

Section "Personality in the History" is dedicated to kings, emperors, queens, who were awarded with the title "the great" during their lifetime. It's Peter I, Catherine II, Napoleon Bonaparte, Elizabeth I and other rulers, who were not only making the history, but also contributed to the development of education and culture.

Section "The whole world in one myself" presents the documents dedicated to the geniuses, whose names are known all over the world, whose work influenced the development of world culture: Leonardo da Vinci, N. and S. Roerich, Alexander Pushkin, Tolstoy, M. Lomonosov and others.

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