Library for the students of the Institute of Innovation Management

2 June 2016, Thursday

On May 31, 2016 the Department of Arts of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan  (ul. Teatralnaya, d. 5) held a day of information for the 3rd year students of the faculty of socio-technical systems of Innovation Management Institute of Kazan State Technological University.

The library staff in an entertaining form told the students about the structure, the rules of usage, the composition of the library stock, services and capabilities of the library. Particularly for the event an exhibition on cultural documents has been prepared.

Traditionally the rich history of the country's oldest library has aroused a great interest of the audience. During the presentation "House of Ushkova: Past and Present", that was prepared in the form of a virtual tour, the audience had the opportunity to walk through the rooms Ushkova’s house. Moving from room to room, admiring their richly decorated interiors, looking at the mirrors, feeling the coolness of the stalactite grotto and basking near many fireplaces, guests were able to trace the history of the House Ushkova from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day.

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