The bookfair “Visiting German Children's Books”

13 October 2016, Thursday

During October 2016 in the Grand reading room of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan a bookfair called “Visiting German Children's Books” takes place. The book collection for the fair was taken from the stocks of German Reading Room of the Department of Literature in Foreign Languages. It comprises both classical, modern and education literature. Children get a wonderful chance to plunge into the fairy world, created by Brothers Grimm, Doris Dorrie, Otfried Preußler, Cornelia Maria Funke and others.

We invite our little readers to the fascinating literary world!

German Reading Room was officially opened as the sector of the Department of Literature in Foreign Languages in November 2001. The project was launched and supported by Goethe-Institut Russland (Moscow). The stocks of German Reading Room comprise almost 4,000 written documents, among which there are reference books, monographs, modern fiction, a wide range of media resources, classical and modern German music, historical and documentary, feature and cross-cultural films, theatrical productions as well as magazines and newspapers – all in German.





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