
Within the department the sector for information and official documents includes:
Basic Directions of Activity:
  • Bibliographic and information services for users and organisations, including state organisations, for the use of electronic resources and a traditional bibliographic collection.
  • Creation of a bibliographic electronic card file and other information-oriented databases based on more than a thousand periodicals.
  • Electronic information resources for other libraries and organizations and the creation of summary catalogues for establishments of the city and republic.
  • Individual and collective information for artistic and cultural establishments in the republic.
  • Legal assistance and education for the population of republic.
  • Creation of bibliographic indexes for the scientific study of local folklore.
  • Research work in the field of bibliographic scientific information.
  • Scientific study of information-bibliographic related work of the libraries of the republic.
  • Assistance in bringing information concerning culture and literacy to readers of the library and other patrons.
Bibliographic Collection:

The bibliographic collection of the department includes: encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, bibliographic indexes, bibliographic periodicals and abstract magazines concerning all branches of knowledge, a database, etc.

Bibliographic Catalogues, etc:
  • Regular card file.
  • Electronic card file (since 1994).
  • Database of Russian books (since 1998).
  • Electronic catalogue (since 1994).
  • Electronic catalogue of abstract magazines.
  • Legal database.
  • Database of Inform-Culture.
  • Other databases.
  • Internet.
Information Services:
  • A reading room with access to electronic databases, including information resources of the internet is available to patrons.
  • Assistance with information search results from printed and electronic sources is available.
  • Additional information services (according to the price-list).


Olga Stanislavovna Samyshkina
Olga Stanislavovna Samyshkina
Department Manager
Contact information
Address: 420015, Kazan, Pushkin street, 86

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