Congratulations with the All-Russian library day!

26 May 2016, Thursday

Director of the National Library of Tatarstan S.R. Ziganshina congratulated her colleagues with the All-Russian Day of libraries, which takes place every year on May, 27.

On behalf of the management of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan I congratulate you with the All-Russian Day of Libraries!

The key to the prosperity of any country is respect for it's history, traditions and culture. You had the honor to become the guardians of this national heritage. Librarians help the readers to find the answers to the questions of time, they open the doors to the world of knowledge, involve the readers in the cultural values, they form the high moral qualities.

On the day of the professional holiday let me to sincerely thank you for the inspired work and dedication. With all my heart I wish you to keep sensitive and attentive attitude to people, striving to make the world better and happier. I wish health, well-being and happiness to you and your families!

Director of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan

Syuyumbike Ziganshina


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