Faster, higher, stronger

7 June 2016, Tuesday

"Faster, higher, stronger" encourages the book exhibition at the Exhibition Hall of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan (ul. Kremlevskaya, d. 33) dedicated to the International Olympic Day, which is celebrated on June, 23.

Olympic Games are the handed down to us from antiquity traditions, legends, and the relationships that are continuing in the modern world: the fight for the top places, world records, fair fights and generosity to competitors, that are interspersed with intrigues and underhand agreements, scandals with the athletes outside of the stadiums. The world of sport in all its diversity has found its reflection in the publications presented on the exhibition. These include interesting books about the history of the Olympic Games, sport competitions, the Olympic records and record holders, lucky breaks and bitter defeats. Of particular interest are the books about the psychology of athletes, sports medicine, biochemistry and diet, management of activities of sports schools. Also presented the Olympic encyclopedia and fairy tales about sports for children. The exposition reflects the literature devoted to the outstanding athletes of Tatarstan - the participants of the Olympic Games, who left a bright trace in the history of world sports.

The exhibition runs until June, 30 2016 and will be of interest to athletes, coaches, students of physical culture institutions, as well as to everyone who loves sports.

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