A library workshop in the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan

11 October 2016, Tuesday

On October 7, 2016 in the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan a methodological workshop for the heads of Centralized Library System and Methodological Departments was held. The training program was organized by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Institute for further education for cultural workers. This workshop was useful for the officials providing cultural workers with skills training program titled “Library innovation: initiation and implementation techniques”.

The officials of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan delivered the lectures and tutorials. The head of the Innovation Section of the Scientific-Methodical Department O. Zueva presented lectures on “Marketing in the library: grants and projects”, “Monitoring and quality control in the library”. The chief librarian of the Reference Department G. Kochkarina made special presentations on the following topics: “The regulatory framework for the library activity in the Internet” and “Internet resources for professional activity of the librarian”. The closing report “Measuring efficiency of librarians’ work in the process of ‘effective contract’ implementation” was made by Deputy Director for Librarianship L. Zalyalova. 

In the end, workshop participants got acquainted with the exposition of extensive scientific-methodical literature, taken from various libraries including the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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