Baki Urmanche: A Bio-Bibliographic Directory

In 2012, the 115th anniversary of the birth of the founder of Tatar fine arts, outstanding figure of Tatar culture, national artist of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, and winner of the State G. Tukay Award, Baki Urmanche, was celebrated. The artist has the ability to find a way into people’s hearts, with the highest ideological-artistry, maturity, and skill, paired with an aesthetic and public importance to his art. If it is possible to name a national artist such a master, in which their vital and creative destiny is inseparable from the destiny of the people, whose work expresses the national soul, with radical representations of the people concerning beauty and facts of life, this high and the honorary title by right is then applicable to Baki Urmanche, the greatest representative of fine arts of the Republic of Tatarstan. According to the widow of the artist, Flora Ahmetova Urmanche, “Today Baki Urmanche’s works are stored in museums and private collections. To count up the quantity of his works is difficult enough. In one of the books devoted to him, I have made an approximate list of his works. It includes about two-hundred sculptures and four-hundred pictorial works. As for graphic sheets and sketches, they would count in the thousands.”
The Baki Urmanche monument of the sculptor and painter, resides at the building of the Union of Artists of the RТ. Baki Urmanche always really remained a national artist and spoke, “I do not serve the people, but I live together with them. In honour of the 102nd anniversary of the birth of the largest representative of art of Tatarstan in Kazan, a Baki Urmanche museum was opened on Shchapov Street. The directory, “Baki Urmanche,” consists of twelve sections where it is possible to find the materials concerning his vital career, his biography, memoirs about him, bibliographic and text-through resources, works of Urmanche, and video and scenery materials. In the photo-archive are Urmanche's photos, and photos of his relatives, etc.

Biographic Reference Material:
Articles about the Life and Work of B. Urmanche (in Russian):
Memoirs About Baki Urmanche (in Russian) Photo-Archive

Video about B. Urmanche (in Russian)

Works of B. Urmanche (in Russian):
B. Urmanche Museum (in Russian):
Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Baki Urmanche (in Russian)

Stories and Lessons Devoted to B. Urmanche (in Russian):
Bibliography (in Russian):

Last updated: 5 April 2022, 16:39

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